South Korean designer Haeri Cho directed, animated, and designed a short titled Routine Rhythms! which focuses on daily activities and their powerful rhythms.
Routine Rhythms: Daily Life Isn’t Just a Cacophony
Run Forever: For The Sake of It
Run Forever is a perfect metaphor for running until dusk and dawn, created by Universal Everything which describes themselves as a remote-working collective of digital artists, experience designers, and future makers. More -
Gitte Maria Möller’s Work Infested With Heavy Symbolism
Gitte Maria Möller is an illustrator based in South Africa, Cape Town. Drawing on many different fields such as ancient mythology, religious manuscripts and iconography, prayer paintings, mang, and early video games, Gitte's works are loaded with heavy symbolism and archetypes. More -
POV: You Trapped In 24framesofginger’s Fabolous and Absurd Stop Motion World
Stop motion artist Jonathan Deutsch aka. 24framesofginger creates beautiful and captivating stop motion loops with quirky and sweet stories. More -
DOUGH JOE: A Travellers Journey To Sacred Prize
Minneapolis-based broadcast design, effects, and animation studio motion504 released an animated short titled DOUGH JOE. More -
Permutation City: AI Assisted Video Combines Dozens of Footage into Seamless Parkour
Permutation City is an experiment about video production, AI and parkour. More -
Sophi Miyoko Gullbrants’s Mellow & Unworldly Works
Sophi Miyoko Gullbrants is a freelance illustrator based in Brooklyn, NY, and currently a full-time designer at Dame Products which is a female-founded company that manufactures well-engineered sex toys. She has collaborated with many brands such as Adobe, Apple, Nike, The New York Times, The New Yorker... More -
Creative Duo Unlimited Time Only Directed a Music Video About Love and Surrender
Animation studio Unlimited Time Only created a gripping and pleasing music video for Terms of Surrender by LA based indie rock band Conditioner. More -
Hannah Eddy’s Art Lives on Waves
Hannah Eddy is an illustrator and muralist who loves to use colors and their vibrations between each other. She finds inspiration from skateboard, snowboard and surf culture and turn it into a feeling in her work. More