Musical Hallucinations is a short film co-directed and designed by illustrator, animator and art director Germán Di Ciccio.
Musical Hallucinations: How Can a Person Listen Their Inner Soundtracks?
Between Lines is a Poetic Thoughtful Animated Short by Sarah Beth Morgan
Between Lines is an animated short film directed by talented Sarah Beth Morgan and created every second of it by an all-women team. The story is about the scars created by bullying in high school and lifelong recovery of these memories. More -
Effective Self-Care Tips with Pinkie & Handtonio
Portland based creative studio Super Dope created quirky and funny short 3D animation Self-Care Tips with Pinkie & Handtonio to remind ourselves to work on better healthy habits. More -
Discover Countless Ways of Physical Communication with Lushuirou Illustrations
Chinese artist and illustrator Lushuirou found an authentic way to express subtle emotions and interactions between people through hand gestures. More -
Jose Berrio Mashes Up Analogue Textures and Typography to Create Retro-Futuristic Illustrations
Jose Berrio is a graphic designer and illustrator, who pursued his passion at the crossroads of music and illustration. His work features warm tones, nostalgic textures, and playful typography, adding a touch of quirkiness and delivering a memorable style. More -
Unconventional Forms Of Organic By The Internet Office
The digital creators known as The Internet Office produce 3D models of abstract and amorph sculptures that drag the viewer in with curiosity. More -
Sam Tomson Pushes Retro Styles to the Future with His Designs in Music Industry
Manchester-based designer and illustrator Sam Tomson is recognized for his retro-futuristic style by specializing in making artwork and product designs for the music industry. More -
UA – お茶 [OCHA]: A Vibrant Journey in Colorful 3D Spaces
Japanese singer UA released her latest music video of お茶 [OCHA], directed by Sojiro Kamatani, welcomes you to a colorful, mesmerizing world filled with tea and hope. More